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Stewardship Pt. 2: Treasure, to Tithe or Not to Tithe?


1 Corinthians 16:1-2

  1. Giving is to be Periodic

    1. "On the first day of the week..."

    2. The Church has always met on the first day of the week.

    3. The principle is "give when you receive." This is not a direct command to give each and every Sunday, but when you receive, give that following Sunday if not immediately.

  2. Giving is to be Personal

    1. "... each of you...."

    2. We give not out of obligation, but out of a love for the Savior and what He gave to each of us.

    3. The first tithe, (Abram--Melchizedek) was personal!

    4. Personal giving, out of a heart for God, is not the same as the Old Testament Tithe (which was out of obligation). But, that first tithe was pointing to Christ through Melchizedek.

    5. 10% is not a New Testament mandate, but the New Testament argues that 10% is a starting point that shouldn't be wavered from, but we should give above and beyond as we are able!

  3. Giving is to be Planned

    1. ...put something aside and store it up..."

    2. Giving is not designed to come out of your "extra."

    3. Budget to give intentionally and sacrificially.

  4. Giving is to be Proportionate

    1. " he may prosper..."

    2. Simply, if you make more, give more!

    3. Be generous in your giving.

  5. Giving is to be Plentiful

    1. " that there will be no collecting when I come..."

    2. enjoy the freedom to give freely, don't see the removal of obligation as an excuse to give poorly.

    3. A sign of faith and maturity in the faith is generous giving.

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