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Stewardship Pt. 1: Talents

  1. Your Talents are God Given

    1. 1 Peter 4:10

    2. God-given gifts go back to Creation

      1. Genesis 1:26-28

      2. God had to indwell Adam and Eve with gifts and talents to accomplish their work

    3. Spiritual Gifts are God-given to Christians

      1. 1 Corinthians 12:4

    4. List of Spiritual Gifts in the New Testament (reserved for Christ followers and continually developed by a close relationship with the Holy Spirit)

      1. Leadership

      2.   Administration

      3. Teaching

      4. Knowledge

      5. Wisdom

      6. Prophecy

      7. Discernment

      8. Exhortation

      9. Shepherding

      10. Faith

      11. Evangelism

      12. Help/Service

      13. Mercy

      14. Giving

      15. Hospitality

  2. Finding Joy in Your Gifts and Talents

    1. Paul

      1. Had incredible gifts and talents, and used them as a Pharisee. However, they were more greatly used as an Apostle.

      2. Paul was content through it all, because of Christ.

        1. Philippians 4:11

    2. Finding Joy is a matter giving glory to God throughout our using of the gifts and talents He gives us.

  3. How to use Our Gifts and Talents with Humility

    1. 1 Peter 4:11

      1. Simply give God the glory for it all!

      2. When we focus on the Giver of the talent rather than the user (us) we cannot help but be humbled.

    2. It is all due to God's grace and mercy; therefore, it is HE who deserves the glory. Give it to Him and find yourself humbled.

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